The wait is over. Our first rose cider is here!It was a true labor of love from our assistant cidermaker David, who pressed the 80 gallons manually through his own press on a warm Saturday in...

September 2020
July 2020

by Alex Gadzik
Our single varietal Wickson Crab cider is a new introduction for us this year.A relatively unknown apple, the Wickson Crab is an Albert Etter cross of a Spitzenburg and Newtown crab.Descriptions of...
August 2018

by Anonymous
You may have seen some posts online about the "joint adVENTURE" cider we did with Big Hill Ciderworks and Distillery Lane Ciderworks. Our version is finally available for purchase online!Joint...
June 2013
by Lia Harper Pepper
Since I began working at Albemarle CiderWorks I've always noticed that life marched to a different beat around here. Perhaps the clearest example of this is in how we keep our calendar. ...