"Humanity will be renewed in the Orchard, and the Orchard will restore it."

This recipe is a Shelton family favorite and an especial favorite of the family's patriarch, Bud Shelton. These cakes are substantial without being heavy.
Just like the brunch drink, but even more refreshing on a hot summer day in peach season!
Our fine ciders are best enjoyed with food, particularly the salty and creamy dishes so prevalent in fine cuisine. Try this ham curry dip with your crudité and a glass of our cider.
Fine food deserves fine cider. This elegant salad tastes better with cider, and the cider is enhanced by the rich saltiness of the oysters.
Apples and gruyere team up for a salad that's just as good the second day. Use fresh crisp well-flavored apples. Albemarle Pippin, Winesap and Virginia Gold all have a wonderful sweet/tart balance that enhances this combination.